Function TCOD_noise_get_vectorized

Function Documentation

void TCOD_noise_get_vectorized(TCOD_Noise *noise, TCOD_noise_type_t type, int n, float *x, float *y, float *z, float *w, float *out)

Generate noise as a vectorized operation.

noise is the TCOD_Noise object to be used. Its dimensions will determine how many input arrays are required.

type is which noise generator should be used. Can be TCOD_NOISE_DEFAULT to use the type set by the TCOD_Noise object.

n is the length of the input and output arrays.

x[n], y[n], z[n], w[n] are the input coordinates for the noise generator. For a 2D generator you’d provide the x[n] and y[n] arrays and leave the remaining arrays as NULL.

out[n] is the output array, which will receive the noise values.

New in version 1.16.