Struct TCOD_Context

Struct Documentation

struct TCOD_Context

A rendering context for libtcod.

New in version 1.16.

Public Functions

inline auto get_renderer_type() noexcept -> int

Return the TCOD_renderer_t value of this context which may be different than the one requested.

inline void present(const TCOD_Console &console, const TCOD_ViewportOptions &viewport)

Present a console to the display with the provided viewport options.

  • console – The TCOD_Console to render. This console can be any size.

  • viewport – The viewport options, which can change the way the console is scaled.

    Deprecated since version 1.21: Replace tcod::new_console(params) with tcod::Context(params) to get a C++ context.

inline void present(const TCOD_Console &console)

Present a console to the display.


console – The TCOD_Console to render. This console can be any size and will be stretched to fit the window.

Deprecated since version 1.21: Replace tcod::new_console(params) with tcod::Context(params) to get a C++ context.

inline auto get_sdl_window() noexcept -> struct SDL_Window*

Return a non-owning pointer to the SDL_Window used by this context.


A struct SDL_Window* pointer. This will be nullptr if this context does not use an SDL window.

Deprecated since version 1.21: Replace tcod::new_console(params) with tcod::Context(params) to get a C++ context.

inline auto get_sdl_renderer() noexcept -> struct SDL_Renderer*

Return a non-owning pointer to the SDL_Renderer used by this context.


A struct SDL_Renderer* pointer. This will be nullptr if this context does not use SDL’s renderer.

Deprecated since version 1.21: Replace tcod::new_console(params) with tcod::Context(params) to get a C++ context.

inline auto pixel_to_tile_coordinates(const std::array<int, 2> &xy) -> std::array<int, 2>

Convert pixel coordinates to this contexts integer tile coordinates.

Deprecated since version 1.21: Replace tcod::new_console(params) with tcod::Context(params) to get a C++ context.

inline auto pixel_to_tile_coordinates(const std::array<double, 2> &xy) -> std::array<double, 2>

Convert pixel coordinates to this contexts sub-tile coordinates.

Deprecated since version 1.21: Replace tcod::new_console(params) with tcod::Context(params) to get a C++ context.

inline void convert_event_coordinates(SDL_Event &event)

Convert the pixel coordinates of SDL mouse events to the tile coordinates of the current context.

New in version 1.19.

Deprecated since version 1.21: Replace tcod::new_console(params) with tcod::Context(params) to get a C++ context.


event – Any SDL_Event event. If the event type is compatible then its coordinates will be converted into tile coordinates.

inline void save_screenshot(const char *filepath)

Save a screenshot to filepath.


filepath – The file path to save the screenshot at. If nullptr then a unique file name will be generated.

Deprecated since version 1.21: Replace tcod::new_console(params) with tcod::Context(params) to get a C++ context.

inline void save_screenshot(const std::string &filepath)

Save a screenshot to filepath.


filepath – The file path to save the screenshot at.

Deprecated since version 1.21: Replace tcod::new_console(params) with tcod::Context(params) to get a C++ context.

inline auto new_console(int min_columns = 1, int min_rows = 1, float magnification = 1.0f) -> tcod::Console

Return a new console with a size automatically determined by the context.

  • min_columns – The minimum width to use for the new console, in tiles.

  • min_rows – The minimum height to use for the new console, in tiles.

  • magnification – Determines the apparent size of the tiles that will be rendered by a console created with the output values. A magnification larger then 1.0f will output smaller console parameters, which will show as larger tiles when presented. Only values larger than zero are allowed.


Returns a tcod::Console of a dynamic size.

Deprecated since version 1.21: Replace tcod::new_console(params) with tcod::Context(params) to get a C++ context.

Public Members

int type

The TCOD_renderer_t value of this context.