Class Timer

Class Documentation

class Timer

A timing class based on SDL’s high performance time counter.

Used to track delta time or set a framerate.

This class is based on using SDL_GetPerformanceCounter to track the time. The time taken between calls to sync() is tracked. This is used to determine the real framerate if requested.

You must add #include <libtcod/timer.hpp> to include ths class.

int desired_fps = 30;
auto timer = tcod::Timer();
while (1) {
  float delta_time = timer.sync(desired_fps);  // desired_fps is optional.
  // ...

New in version 1.19.

Public Functions

inline Timer()

Construct a new Timer object.

inline float sync(int desired_fps = 0)

Sync the time to a given framerate (if provided) and return the delta time compared to the previous call.

If desired_fps is non-zero then this function will block until the desired framerate is reached.

Timing starts once the Timer is constructed.


desired_fps – The desired framerate in frames-per-second, or zero to disable framerate limiting.


The delta time in seconds since the last call to sync is returned as a float.

inline float get_mean_fps() const noexcept

Return the mean framerate.

This is the average of all samples combined.

inline float get_last_fps() const noexcept

Return the framerate of the last call to sync().

inline float get_min_fps() const noexcept

Return the lowest framerate recently sampled.

inline float get_max_fps() const noexcept

Return the highest framerate recently sampled.

inline float get_median_fps() const noexcept

Return the median framerate.

This is the framerate of the middle sample when all samples are sorted.